Mrs. Plus America 2011 Danielle Zavala |
Danielle,tell us a Little Bit about yourself?
-I was born and raised in Yorba Linda, CA. I am a loving wife and mother as well as an accomplished Vintage Pin up and Editorial plus size model. My pageant platform, Adoption awareness and education, helps me find foster children families that they can call their own. I also educate and encourage prospective parents into becoming foster parents.
How did you react when you found out you were in the running to be Mrs Plus America?
-I was really excited but still kind of nervous! I had never done a beauty pageant before so I didn't really know what to expect!
How did you feel as you were traveling to the pageant?
-I was so incredibly nervous! I hate flying in airplanes and had to take a 3 hour flight with a time change just to make it from Los Angeles, CA to Dallas, TX! I also was a little sad because my husband and family were unable to attend the pageant with me.
How was your Overall Experience at the Pageant? what went though your mind? Do you have any advice for other women who want to enter?
-It was an AMAZING experience! I met so many outstanding and incredible women who are doing so much in their communities to help spread awareness about their platforms! My advice for any women considering entering the Miss Plus America Pageant would be to go for it! Don't let anyone stop you from trying to follow your dreams. MPA was my first ever adult beauty pageant and I competed against some incredibly gorgeous and intellectual women but if I would have let that stop me I wouldn't be where I am today.
How Does it feel being Mrs plus america? what are some of your Duties as being Mrs Plus America?
-It's been an incredibly humbling experience. I never would have imagined that I would actually be able to win a beauty pageant. I always watched the Miss America Pageant as a girl and thought it would be so amazing to win a pageant but never believed it would be possible. My duties are to be a positive representation of the Miss Plus America Pageant System as well as make monthly appearances to help promote MPA and my platform of adoption awareness and education!
What was the first thing that went through your mind when you heard your name called?
- Utter shock and disbelief. I never would have imagined in my entire life that I would ever live out my dream of winning a beauty pageant. My journey to MPA Nationals was a very difficult one. I lost my job two days after winning my state crown and was struggling with the decision of whether or not I could afford to attend Nationals. I truly feel that the Lord blessed me and was watching over me as I continued to pray about whether or not I should go. He provided me with sponsors without whom I wouldn't have had such a gorgeous gown from Bonny Bridal to compete in and provided me with a new job the week before I left for Nationals! So when I heard my name I couldn't help but cry because all my hard work and determination had finally paid off. I knew that when I got home my husband and family would be proud and I could finally have the opportunity to help make a difference in my community!
Lets get personal!
Now we want to get to know you,
What is a Quote or saying that has kept you strong thru hard times?
-My personal motto that always keeps me strong is "Beauty isn't a size its an attitude!"
What song describes your Life and explains who Danielle Zavala is ?
-hmmm that's a great question! I've never thought of that before! I'd have to say " I'm a Survivor" by Destiny's Child! I've faced so many doubters and people who have put me down and told me I would never be anything but I continue to survive and pursue my dreams! Just like the song says I'll never give up!
Where is a place you would like to travel and why?
-I would love to travel to England and Ireland to go view the beautiful countryside! I've always dreamed of seeing Buckingham Palace and some of the ancient Irish Castles that still exist today!
Whats your Favorite movie and why?
-My favorite movie of all time is Ever After with Drew Barrymore! Not only is she an amazing actress but I love that the main character's name is Danielle and the film is such an amazing love story! It makes me still believe in true love and the fairy tale romance that I'm lucky to have myself!
How you do you feel about Being a Plus size woman?
-I think its an amazing thing. I don't understand why people feel the need to always label eachother. I'm plus, curvy, full figured or the average size American woman! I don't see why it's made into such a negative thing.
What is one thing that you love about your Curves?
-I definitely love how they look in certain outfits. Seeing that almost hourglass shape in the mirror is really awesome and makes me proud to be a curvy girl!
What is something you want to tell young girls out there who Might be Getting Bullied or just hate
how they look?
-Don't let the bullies bring you down. Normally when someone attacks you in that way it is because they are insecure with their own appearance or attitude! They are attacking you to try and hide their own pain and insecurities! If they continue to bully you or say negative things about you in a public forum then let them. It is only making them look childish and foolish especially if you don't respond to it. When it gets hard to stay strong in those situations reach out to a friend that you know and trust. I've had a recent experience with a bully who would just not let up and continues to lash out every so often about my modeling or new endeavors as Mrs. Plus America. It was a little hard to understand why this was happening to me but the truth is trying to understand what was causing these unnecessary comments was impossible! I've never used my own insecurities to break someone else down so I just surrounded myself with friends who support me 100% and it has really helped me to just laugh at the situation. I am so greatful for these ladies!
What is your Message to other women?
-To remember what it's like to be called names or what it feels like not to fit in. Whether we are skinny, thin, plus size, curvy or fat we are ALL women and we ALL have to deal with the same types of issues just in different ways. My hope is to unite all women as one and try and break some of the size barriers that have been put up because of insecurities. I have had friends who wished they were bigger and friends who had insane diets just to lose some weight. We need to be as supportive of one another as possible! Never bring another woman down just to make yourself look better.
You can follow Danielle’s reign more closely at www.facebook.com/MrsPlusAmerica2011 and www.missplusamerica.com/danielle.asp. Should anyone need Danielle for a speaking engagement, hosting, emceeing, supporting your worthy cause, etc., please feel free to e-mail her at MrsPlusAmerica2011@gmail.com. It is her desire to advocate for your worthy cause and bring light to the good work you’re doing.